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About Us

Educational Philosophy & Curriculum Program

Our Philosophy

We believe in the following developmental principles:

  • Each child’s uniqueness is the result of interplay between genetic and environmental factors. Infant and child development involves interrelated physical, cognitive, emotional, and social changes. Rates of development vary from one child to another, but the sequential progression of growth does not.
  • We believe that it is our responsibility to provide responsive and understanding care, responsible guidance, modeling and generosity in our warmth of feeling.
  • We believe that it is the job of adults to provide children with a developmentally appropriate environment with engaging learning experiences that are based on sound content knowledge.

With these principles in mind, we believe that infants, toddlers, and young children are individuals in their own right and must receive the same respect and consideration afforded older children and adults.

Our Teachers

The program is staffed with highly-qualified, experienced, and caring teachers.  Our professional and dedicated team nurtures and educates infants, preschool & school age children in a wide range of child care programs.

Passion and Commitment

Above all, our teacher value and respect children. Our teachers are passionate about your child’s happiness and early childhood education. Our teachers are dedicated to developing your child’s learning potential and are sensitive to your child’s individual needs. In addition, our teachers:

  • Are Credentialed by the Maryland State Department of Education
  • Exceed continual professional training requirements
  • Maintain Low Teacher to Student Ratios
  • Partner  with Families

Our teachers and staff are passionate about forming a strong partnership with you to ensure the best possible experience for your child. Teachers provide daily communication with families and strive to understand your unique needs.


Emergent curriculum comes from children and teachers working together, with the teachers being able to actively listen to the children’s desires and then acting upon them. This approach also allows teachers to change and modify the curriculum easily in response to things that happen in the course of the day. An unexpected question can lead to an interesting discussion or an opportunity to have a parent share a special skill with the children. Our child-centered approach allows teachers to look carefully at children and create a flexible program that meets their needs.

Our Creative Curriculum connects learning with experience and prior learning. It includes all interests of children and responds to their interests rather than focusing on a narrow, individual, or calendar-driven topic. It is process-oriented rather than product-driven.

Planning the curriculum in each classroom will be based on:

  • Knowledge of child development.
  • The understanding of developmentally appropriate practices and following the guidelines of developmentally appropriate practices.
  • Sensitivity to children’s personal experiences and interests.

Knowing that children learn through first-hand observation, play, and direct experience.